Sep 3, 2011

Cashmere Pashmina

Pashmina cashmere, delicate hair on the inner area of ​​the throat and Capra hircus mountain goat. Cashmere known to you the cleanest in the world and represents more than pashmina wool fibers in this. When we say "Kashmiri Pashmina" We are comparing the products derived from goats living in the Himalayan heights of over 14 000 feet only. At these heights that goats grow their undercoat is mainly due to internal hot climates cold temperatures. Up to about 8 ounces of pure wool can be produced annually for the goat. After about 3 goats a year to produce enough clean a pashmina shawl.

Pashmina is softer with use and is very hot due to its incredible insulating properties. It is often mixed with silk and other threads. While a silk blend can provide a nice sheen, other blends can reduce costs and at the same time provide a platform on which most reasonable embroidery. This is because the embroidery is very difficult and expensive due to the fact that the individual threads are six times smaller than an average human hair. Kashmir Pashmina can be measured in as little as 12 to 14 microns, the finest of all wools. Just for reference, cashmere is thicker than about 19 microns. Obtained from different species usually do not have the same insulating properties.

Cashmere and pashmina is the place for a product. In the West, "Cashmere" word Basically, it sounds like a place in Kashmir and Pashmina refers to a similar product as the "cashmere sweater," for example. Through the efforts of marketing at large, are fundamentally transformed these two words under the heading "cashmere". Very clever. Technically, the product does not stand up to the major cashmere pashminas from Kashmir, as in the previous paragraph. It seems confused? It gets worse ...

Not only is the word cashmere is used to describe a pashmina, as an element, as in the phrase "cashmere wrap", the word pashmina has been abused over time to include almost anything sweet and the Fury. Be very careful who you buy. It's like buying a Rolex watch or purchase a copy of a Rolex. Only in this case instead of getting a good soft and warm wool, you may end up with what is best described as "rather coarse and rough."

Kashmir is famous for the hand come, pashminas unique embroidery. So much time is spent on each piece, to collect the fibers to the last point. The envelope must be carefully pashmina and supported correctly.

Some quick points:

1 - Never put your pashmina scarf in a washing machine or dryer.

2 - E 'dry-cleaning professional.

3 - Never take an iron directly to a pashmina.

4 - Grab the hand and very gently cleaned with cold water or room temperature. To resolve a small amount of baby shampoo in water before doing this. Rinse with clean water.

5 - Put your coat or scarf very gently with a towel dry and place it flat to dry. Turn once.

6 - Do not leave your pashmina stole into the sun to dry.

7 - Do not store these in a wet wool.

8 - Be careful what you wear. Sharp objects, books, belts and can damage the delicate wool.

9 - Keep some 'mothballs hand. You do not want to be always ready to go out to eat, and discover your guests of the house is already theirs.

10 - Finally, be careful of anything that might stain your wool, such as lipstick.

While the wraps on the subject of this article. I hope you enjoyed reading.

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